This is a ridiculously short blog post to wish you a very happy holiday season, whatever you celebrate. I hope you get to spend it surrounded by those you love.
If you prefer, I hope you get to spend it cuddled up in a bunch of blankets, with your pets (if you have them) and enjoy a cup of the hot beverage of your choice while watching silly holiday movies, if that’s your thing. I know the original Die Hard is very popular this time of year. My personal favorite holiday movie is Hogfather by Terry Pratchett.
I personally have the majority of my mother’s side of the family visiting at the moment, which is absolutely wonderful as far as I am concerned. We’re all having a blast and it’s good to get together as we haven’t all seen each other in quite a while.
May your holidays bring the joy and happiness you want from them.
Good Yule, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Festivus, and all the other holidays I’m sure I’ve missed in here.
Talk to you next week.